9 Simple Home Care tips Those Experiencing Severe Upper Back Pain

At times, you may wake up in morning and feel pain in the neck and shoulder area. Your arm may feel a tingling sensation or even as though it has fallen asleep. The main cause of the pain and tingling sensations in the upper back and neck are usually a poor sleeping posture during the night. Sounds simple, usually simple is best. Many people have had their neck or arm in the wrong position overnight and wake with the pain. Some may even experience Upper Middle Back Pain caused by injury during the day and not even know, because the injury occurred during an event that was non threating. A child jumps in your arms or you pick up a bag of groceries and ever so slightly strain the muscles at the top of the shoulders close to the base of the neck. During the night the muscles and ligaments tighten up and swell somewhat, this is what causes the pain in the morning. Also, it may be caused by playing a sport during the day and maybe straining to hit a ball or shoot a basket, possibly weight lifting just a little differently than before and so much more.

In a much more serious situation, the pain may be caused by conditions that apply more pressure on the spinal nerves. These conditions include spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, vertebrae fractures, herniated disc and degenerative disc disease. These conditions may also cause Severe Upper Back Pain and Neck pain, which is often common, but usually chronic, meaning that they do not start all at once and usually stay for a long time.
There are a few easy tips to help in the relief of upper back pain and neck pain.
  • To begin with do not panic.
  • Try to figure out what you did different the day before. This could lead you to tell exactly what is wrong now. If the pain is sharp, and constant it is usually acute, meaning you did something recent, if it is dull and lingering it may be as simple as sleeping wrong.
  •  Ice packs are great to reduce the swelling.
  • Hopefully with just a little movement in the morning the kinks will work themselves out.
  • If you can take and anti-inflammatory like aspirin,ibuprofen or non NSAID acetaminophen, it often will help within 30 minutes to alleviate some or all of the pain.
  • A warm shower to loosen up the muscles is often a great way to help.
  • Take it easy in the morning to make sure everything is all right.
  • Don’t move quickly or turn your head fast. Ease into the day.
  • Always seek immediate medical attention if for any reason you are short of breath, having chest tightness, heaviness pain in the chest, pain in the shoulder that travels down the shoulder into the arm, pain that travels from the back or shoulder area into the jaw, sharp stabbing pain between the shoulder blades or any other condition that may be heart related. You can use these precautions if you are suffering from upper back pain right side, left side or middle.
Most important do not hesitate to call Emergency Personal, if you feel as though something is life threating, and even if you do not. Most heart attacks happen in the morning hours, use your judgment and save your life if there is any doubt in your mind.


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